b4u Wallet https://blog.b4uwallet.com/ Best crypto wallet for you Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:05:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/cropped-E-Wallet_logo-300x274-1-32x32.png b4u Wallet https://blog.b4uwallet.com/ 32 32 5 Rules Investors Should Bear in Mind When Investing in Bitcoin https://blog.b4uwallet.com/investing-in-bitcoin/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/investing-in-bitcoin/#comments Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:03:40 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=60 More and more investors want to profit from a rising Bitcoin price. However, the recent price setback clearly shows that there are some pitfalls. What investors should consider: 1. Bitcoins Should Only Be a Very Small Part of the Portfolio In the current year, the Bitcoin price has risen by around 73 percent: Bitcoin which […]

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More and more investors want to profit from a rising Bitcoin price. However, the recent price setback clearly shows that there are some pitfalls. What investors should consider:

1. Bitcoins Should Only Be a Very Small Part of the Portfolio

In the current year, the Bitcoin price has risen by around 73 percent: Bitcoin which cost around 24,000 euros at the beginning of the year is now worth more than 40,000 euros. Bitcoins are becoming increasingly interesting for many small investors, as they seem to offer particularly high profits. But investment is also risky to an above-average degree. The price fluctuates strongly and even experts sometimes disagree about the reasons for the high volatility. Even a single tweet from Tesla CEO Elon Musk can send the share price soaring – or cause it to crash. Investors should be aware of this. At one point this year, the share price was around 50,000 euros. Anyone who got in has suffered high losses – if they have to sell.

Bitcoins are therefore not suitable as a reliable financial investment, for example for old-age provision. Cryptocurrency is rather a speculative addition. If you still want to play the game, you should think carefully about how much money you want to invest. The rule of thumb is: only invest enough so that you can live with a loss of the entire money. In the overall portfolio, the investment in digital currency should only make up a small part, experts recommend five to ten percent.

2. Inform Yourself Extensively Beforehand – and Consider Uncertainties

Investors should inform themselves about how Bitcoins work and the risk before they invest. Because it is not only the fluctuating price that harbours uncertainties. Regulatory efforts by countries and banking supervision could also influence the future price. Unlike the euro or the dollar, bitcoin is not backed by a central bank, no company, no government stands behind the cryptocurrency. It is also unclear who is responsible for supervising the crypto exchanges where investors can buy Bitcoins. This decentralized structure is what makes cryptocurrency so special, but it also entails risks for investors. If investors invest in the shares of a company, the shares are in a way secured by the asset value of the company. Bitcoin basically has no real value that would hedge it.

So investors basically only profit from price increases when fresh money flows into the system, the Bitcoin itself does not yield any return. Warnings of a bubble are also being voiced again and again; earlier this year, star investor Micheal Burry even warned that the digital currency is facing “the mother of all crashes”.

3. Compare Investment Options

If investors decide to invest in Bitcoin, they can buy a Bitcoin or a fraction of it directly on one of the crypto exchanges. If the price then rises, investors profit immediately. But there are other ways to profit from a rising bitcoin price.

In October, the first Bitcoin ETF was launched in the US, an exchange-traded fund on Bitcoin futures called Bito. Bitcoin ETFs allow investors to bet on the price of the cryptocurrency without having to buy and hold bitcoin themselves. Bito invests in Bitcoin futures, not in Bitcoin itself. The ETF thus tracks futures transactions in which a buyer commits to accept a commodity at a certain time at a certain price. Investors speculate here on the future value of the bitcoin. The fees for the ETF are higher than if investors were to invest directly in the bitcoin, but they do not have to actively take care of the custody of the coins. Whether and when such a Bitcoin ETF will also be available in Germany remains to be seen. Until then, there are Bitcoin ETNs that are backed by physical Bitcoins. To invest here, investors do not have to trade on crypto exchanges or set up a wallet for safekeeping.

Those who want to invest indirectly in bitcoin can also buy shares in companies that profit from a rising price of the currency. These could include, for example, the Bitcoin Group, an investment company focusing on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, or Nvidia, a company that manufactures powerful graphics cards used by miners to mine coins.

4. Organize Safekeeping of the Coins

Those who invest directly in digital currency should think about storage beforehand. This is because the coin is stored in a so-called wallet – either connected to the internet or a kind of USB stick.

It is therefore important to keep the password safe because time and again stories of investors who forget their password cause a stir – and lose large sums of money as a result. Investors can also entrust crypto exchanges with the storage. However, these are more attractive to hackers than small investors with a small wallet.

5. Observe Deadlines and Tax-Free Amounts

Investors who have invested directly in cryptocurrency should observe certain deadlines if they want to collect the profits tax-free. Because only those who hold Bitcoins for longer than one year do not have to pay taxes on the profit when they sell them. Those who sell earlier and exceed the profit limit of 600 euros must pay taxes on the entire profit. Because then the profit is considered a speculative gain.

The tax-free amount applies not only to profits from cryptocurrencies, but also to profits from other private sales transactions. The sale of a Bitcoin is therefore not treated for tax purposes like a share, but like the sale of a valuable work of art, for example. So anyone who has already exceeded the tax-free amount for another of these private sales transactions will also have to pay tax on a gain from bitcoins in the same year.

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The 3 Fundamental Questions For Choosing A Bitcoin Wallet https://blog.b4uwallet.com/choosing-a-crypto-wallet/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/choosing-a-crypto-wallet/#comments Thu, 23 Feb 2023 14:04:11 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=50 Instead of choosing a wallet at random or the first one you hear about, you should ask yourself a couple of questions and understand what that wallet offers. Unfortunately, Google is FULL of articles suggesting Brokers or Exchanges by pretending they are wallets. Whoever does this earns on whoever signs up on these platforms, so […]

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Instead of choosing a wallet at random or the first one you hear about, you should ask yourself a couple of questions and understand what that wallet offers. Unfortunately, Google is FULL of articles suggesting Brokers or Exchanges by pretending they are wallets. Whoever does this earns on whoever signs up on these platforms, so they have every interest in advising you that way. In reality, there is a huge difference between wallets and exchanges/brokers .

We’ll show you the key features to consider when choosing a wallet to store your funds. Are you ready?

How to choose a Bitcoin wallet: the 3 fundamental questions to ask yourself

By definition, wallets are the tools you use to store bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies .

Wallets, therefore, are NOT exchanges or platforms that let you trade , although these platforms also offer you custody of the funds (which are in their hands though).

However, there are dozens of different wallet models to choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. How can you decide for yourself then?

Contrary to what you might believe, the process of choosing a wallet is much more intuitive than you imagine ; in fact, there are only 3 important distinctions to make:

  • Cryptocurrencies supported by the wallet (Bitcoin only or multi-currencies)
  • Wallet custodial e non-custodial
  • Hot wallet and Cold wallet (hot and cold wallets)

In the rest of the article I will show you these 3 distinctions (you can also find my insights) and then I will show you some Bitcoin wallet lists with which you can’t go wrong.

1 – Cryptocurrencies supported by the wallet

What cryptocurrencies does the wallet support?

Some wallets allow you to store multiple cryptocurrencies while others only allow you to store Bitcoins.

Although a rather remote possibility, this choice adds some relative risk.

Storing multiple cryptocurrencies in the same wallet adds fragility to your overall custody model. Therefore, you want to keep bitcoins in wallets that only support bitcoins and not mix them with other cryptocurrencies.

2 – Choose between Non-Custodial and Custodial wallets

A fundamental question to ask yourself when choosing a wallet should be “ but is this a custodial or non-custodial wallet? ”

Non-Custodial wallets make you the only one who has control over the Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies you hold in them.

Custodial wallets, on the other hand, are intermediaries that offer custody services and usually let you trade. A bit like the banks where you keep your money.

This is why the difference between custodial and non-custodial wallets is fundamental. Because it’s a bit like asking yourself: “ Do I want to be the only one to control my funds or not? “

As you’ll see in a minute, there may be reasons why you don’t want to be the only one in control of your funds. The important thing is to decide it consciously.

Bitcoin gives you absolute power over your money. Then you decide whether to use this power or not.

3 – Choose between Hot Wallet and Cold Wallet

This is the third distinction to make in order to consciously choose a bitcoin wallet. The reason is well known to computer scientists:

Any device connected to the internet inherently carries the risk of being attacked. For this reason, wallets are defined as hot and cold on a scale that depends on the contact of the wallet with the internet.

The more contact you have with the internet, the greater the risk you incur.

The wallet is considered hot when this link is direct, while it is considered cold when this link is distant or absent.

Therefore, when you choose a wallet (and decide how much to keep inside it) you NECESSARILY need to understand whether it is a hot or a cold wallet because it defines how much risk you accept to bear.

Practical advice for choosing the best Bitcoin wallets

So far we have seen that, basically, to choose a crypto wallet you need to understand if you will be the only one who can manage the funds and how close the wallet is linked to the internet.

But in practice, how can you choose a wallet for Bitcoin or for your cryptocurrencies?

The answer can be found by evaluating YOUR situation:

How much value do you want to keep
What do you intend to do with it in the future

If you have a few tens/hundreds of equivalent value in euros to keep, a smartphone or computer wallet offers you satisfactory security guarantees.

However, your situation may change over time. Another good rule is therefore to use multiple wallets and distribute your total cryptocurrencies.

By following this rule, you will keep on the exchange or hot wallets the amounts that you know you want to use frequently or that you would otherwise accept to lose, while you will keep the bulk of your funds safe in cold wallets.

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Hot Wallet: What It Is And When You Should Use One https://blog.b4uwallet.com/hot-wallet/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/hot-wallet/#comments Thu, 09 Feb 2023 15:30:00 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=48 What is a hot wallet? Hot wallets are a type of wallet for receiving, spending and storing cryptocurrencies. A hot wallet is a program installed on your computer, an app on your smartphone, or an extension on your browser. Like all crypto wallets, hot wallets can support one or more cryptocurrencies or just bitcoin. For […]

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What is a hot wallet?

Hot wallets are a type of wallet for receiving, spending and storing cryptocurrencies. A hot wallet is a program installed on your computer, an app on your smartphone, or an extension on your browser. Like all crypto wallets, hot wallets can support one or more cryptocurrencies or just bitcoin.

For example, one of the more popular bitcoin-only hot wallets is Electrum . Instead, one of the most popular for Ethereum (and all EVM compatible cryptocurrencies) is the browser extension, MetaMask .

Given the proliferation of different cryptocurrencies and blockchains, each cryptocurrency has developed its own hot wallets with which you can store all the related tokens, NFTs and various newfangled things. Therefore, make sure that the hot wallet you download supports the coin you want to use.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in the only truly decentralized, neutral and global digital currency, choose the best crypto wallet apps .

Main features of a hot wallet

Hot wallets stand out for several characteristics.

First, they are typically non-custodial. This means that only you will be able to spend your funds .

They are also free and open source . To get your own hot wallet you simply need to download a program/app/extension and from that moment on you just need to configure the wallet to start using it. Of course, make sure you download the program from the authentic site.

Are hot wallets safe?

Like any tool used to store bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, security lies not only in the device but also in who uses it and how they use it .

Having said that, this type of wallet leverages cryptographic procedures and computer security systems of various kinds that protect you from hacks of various types.

Despite this, you must be aware that the private key of the wallet is generated in a device that you probably already use for dozens of activities. As a result, that private key – however encrypted and stored on your PC – is in a hostile environment.

This is perhaps the most important of the distinctions between hot and cold wallets .

Despite this, this type of wallet can be considered safe as long as it respects the basic rules of crypto custody (by subscribing to the newsletter you will receive a PDF that explains the 10 most important rules to avoid making miserable mistakes).

When should you use a hot wallet?

The indisputable advantage of these wallets is their convenience (and free).

These are wallets designed precisely to be used in everyday life and with simplicity. All you need to do is open the wallet and you can generate addresses on which to receive cryptocurrencies or you can spend your funds by pressing just one button (perhaps by entering your password or PIN).

Therefore, you need to think of hot wallets just like the wallet you use when you leave the house. You put money into it, but you don’t put all of your savings into it.

A good rule is to keep only “how much you are willing to lose” on this type of wallet. For your savings and everything you want to keep in maximum safety, however, it is definitely necessary to get a nice hardware wallet .

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Crypto Guide for New Investors: “How to Invest in Cryptocurrencies?” https://blog.b4uwallet.com/invest-crypto/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/invest-crypto/#comments Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:51:19 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=46 Investing in cryptocurrencies has recently become quite common both in the world. These decentralized digital assets are now used not only as an investment tool, but also as a means of payment in many countries. However, many states are also making regulations regarding cryptocurrencies. Well, what is this concept of crypto money , which is […]

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Investing in cryptocurrencies has recently become quite common both in the world. These decentralized digital assets are now used not only as an investment tool, but also as a means of payment in many countries. However, many states are also making regulations regarding cryptocurrencies. Well, what is this concept of crypto money , which is getting more and more talk about itself day by day ? How to invest in cryptocurrencies? What should new investors who want to invest in crypto money do?

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies, which are popular investment tools today, came into our lives with the development of Bitcoin (BTC) in 2009 by an unidentified person or group named Satoshi Nakamoto. Cryptocurrencies that work depending on a special encryption system can also be called a kind of digital money. All kinds of transactions related to cryptocurrencies take place depending on the technology called blockchain. The most important feature is that they are not connected to any center, that is, they are decentralized.

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to crypto money is Bitcoin and the reason why it is mentioned so much is because it is the first crypto currency. Apart from Bitcoin, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies called “altcoins” that can work together and alternative to Bitcoin. The current number of altcoins is 9000. Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and LINK; the largest few of them can be counted as “altcoins”.

How to Buy Cryptocurrency ?

The number of people who want to invest in cryptocurrencies has increased considerably. So, what should investors who will take a new step into the crypto money industry do? How to invest in cryptocurrencies? How can new investors buy cryptocurrencies in 4 steps?

1- Joining a Cryptocurrency Exchange

The first thing you need to do to start investing in crypto money is to open a membership on a cryptocurrency exchange and to set up a crypto wallet. This first step, seemingly the simplest, is actually quite important for new investors. The reason for this is that the exchange you choose is reliable. Choosing a reliable exchange also means your money is safe. Accordingly, it will be very helpful to you at this stage that the crypto money exchange you choose has customer support service and is available at any time. Thus, you will be able to complete your membership phase process easily and you will always be able to easily get information in your trading process.By creating your ICRYPEX Membership registration, you can take your place in the crypto money ecosystem and start your crypto money trading transactions by following the steps in our article.

2- Account Confirmation / Authentication

This step, in which identity confirmation takes place, is an invariable step implemented in all cryptocurrency exchanges. After completing the membership stage, you need to log in to your account and verify your account identity at this stage. For your account / identity verification, you must save the front and back of your ID and your photo in the designated areas. The purpose of this stage is to perform banking transactions and at the same time to ensure user transaction security. After confirming your account, you can proceed to the deposit process as the 3rd step.

3- Deposit into Account

After completing your membership confirmation, you need to deposit money into your account. This step is the last step that must be performed before buying Bitcoin. Investors, who will invest for the first time, must transfer money to one of the banks with which the crypto money exchange is a member at this stage in order to deposit money into their accounts. You must transfer the amount you want to invest from your own bank account to the IBAN number of your stock exchange account through contracted banks.

4- Bitcoin Purchase Transaction

At this stage, you can now start buying Bitcoin. All you have to do for this is to enter an order to execute your purchase. You can buy Bitcoin either at the current market price or by entering an order at the price you set .

Bitcoin Is Not The Only Option !

Another factor that scares the new investors; The increase in the price of Bitcoin with each passing day may be a record-breaking record. So, is it possible to find the next Bitcoin? Although it is not known whether it is possible to find a new BTC among over 9000 altcoins in the crypto money markets, and most of these 9000 cryptocurrencies are inactive projects, it is possible to make “altcoin” transactions with strong research and cautious transactions.

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Thinking About Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency with B4U? https://blog.b4uwallet.com/thinking-about-buy-and-sell-cryptocurrency-with-b4u/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/thinking-about-buy-and-sell-cryptocurrency-with-b4u/#comments Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:35:45 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=55 You have just reached your destination for Crypto and Fiat Trading, Exchanging, Swapping and so more. B4U Wallet & Exchange is serving from last passage years. B4U Wallet moto is to spread the basic knowledge regarding blockchain. Moreover, your swapping in Bitcoin, Rscoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Ethereum and other crypto and fiat currencies. Now your […]

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You have just reached your destination for Crypto and Fiat Trading, Exchanging, Swapping and so more. B4U Wallet & Exchange is serving from last passage years. B4U Wallet moto is to spread the basic knowledge regarding blockchain. Moreover, your swapping in Bitcoin, Rscoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Ethereum and other crypto and fiat currencies. Now your coin base attorney is not away from you.

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How To Store Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies. Easy Guide For Beginners https://blog.b4uwallet.com/store-bitcoin/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/store-bitcoin/#comments Thu, 12 Jan 2023 13:41:45 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=44 In this guide, you will learn the essential concepts to understand how to store Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies safely. Although I will mainly refer to the custody of Bitcoin, the indications you will find apply to any cryptocurrency that may interest you. In fact, the principles and tools on which cryptocurrency custody is based are always […]

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In this guide, you will learn the essential concepts to understand how to store Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies safely.

Although I will mainly refer to the custody of Bitcoin, the indications you will find apply to any cryptocurrency that may interest you. In fact, the principles and tools on which cryptocurrency custody is based are always the same. Having said that, no small talk and let’s figure out how it works to store bitcoin or cryptocurrencies.

Storing Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

The main concept that you absolutely must grasp in order to store Bitcoin safely is that you are faced with a new asset class. Therefore, you will have to take a different approach than you have done so far.

Indeed, when you want to store bitcoin and cryptocurrencies you are trying to secure scarce digital assets. What does it mean? I’ll explain it to you with a simple difference:

A photo on whatsapp, a file on word, a film, are digital objects that can be duplicated countless times. Bitcoins, on the other hand, are digital but cannot be duplicated. Given this feature, to manage and store Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) you will need to use special tools called Wallets .

The rest of the guide is dedicated to wallets and will show you everything you need to know about these tools.

Where to Store Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Wallets

Crypto wallets are the tools you will use to keep Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The function of wallets is to help you receive, spend and store bitcoins and cryptocurrencies safely even if you are not an IT expert. When we talk about wallets for cryptocurrencies, we generally refer to:

  • A software – an app on your smartphone or a program on your computer
  • A hardware device – special USB sticks like the photo above.

Depending on the type of wallet you decide to use, you will get different degrees of security and ease of use.

Now let’s see what types of wallets you can find on the market and how much they cost (spoiler: most are free).

Everything you need to know about wallets for storing cryptocurrencies

On the market, you can find different types of wallets that fall into one of these categories:

  • Web wallet – These are extensions that you install directly on your browser (like Google chrome or Firefox). Given the digital nature of cryptocurrencies, they are among the most comfortable but also the least secure.
  • Smartphone wallet – These are apps that you download on your smartphone to hold bitcoins and cryptocurrencies.
  • Desktop wallet – These are programs that you download to your computer with which you can receive or spend bitcoins and cryptocurrencies.
  • Hardware wallet – They are separate devices (similar to USB sticks) that have the specific task of storing bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. They are among the safest and most widespread solutions.
  • Paper wallet – These are pieces of paper that you can print to store bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. The risk of making mistakes and losing funds is very high and they are generally recommended to experts.

Be careful:

If you buy cryptocurrencies on an exchange and leave them there, the exchange holds the cryptocurrencies for you. A bit like the banks that keep your money. However convenient, this solution is probably the worst because it adds counterparty risks.

Another aspect to consider when choosing a wallet, regardless of the type, are the cryptocurrencies that you can keep in it. Some wallets support multiple cryptocurrencies while others support ONLY bitcoin.

I recently wrote an article that selects the best Bitcoin wallets for smartphones, desktops and hardware.

How much does a cryptocurrency wallet cost?

Most bitcoin and cryptocurrency wallets are free.

If you use web wallets, smartphone/computer wallets, or paper wallets, then you are using open-source software that is free and freely available online . Of course, make sure you download it from the authentic website.

Hardware wallets , on the other hand, are special physical devices designed to give you maximum security and which you can therefore purchase. The price varies from 40 to 150 euros depending on the model.

Please note that while the wallets are free, using bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will always incur fees when you spend them or transfer them to another wallet.

How do you create a cryptocurrency wallet?

Depending on the type of wallet you want to use to hold cryptocurrencies, you will find yourself in different scenarios:

  • In the case of web wallets , you need to download an extension to your browser. At this point, you will need to configure the wallet and then you can use it to receive or spend bitcoins and cryptocurrencies.
  • In the case of mobile wallets or desktop wallets , you will need to download the app or software and then install it. At that point you will need to configure the wallet and then you can use it.
  • In the case of hardware wallets , it will be a matter of purchasing the device and once received you will have to configure it following the manufacturer’s instructions.

In all three cases, these are simple procedures for both installation and configuration.

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What are the main cryptocurrencies on the market? Learn how to invest https://blog.b4uwallet.com/what-are-the-main-cryptocurrencies-on-the-market-learn-how-to-invest/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/what-are-the-main-cryptocurrencies-on-the-market-learn-how-to-invest/#comments Thu, 29 Dec 2022 07:36:22 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=39 Get to know the main cryptocurrencies on the market, learn more about the difference between them and check out tips for investing in this assetDo you know the main cryptocurrencies on the market? The best known among them is Bitcoin , famous for the cases of people who became millionaires after investing in this asset. […]

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Get to know the main cryptocurrencies on the market, learn more about the difference between them and check out tips for investing in this asset
Do you know the main cryptocurrencies on the market?

The best known among them is Bitcoin , famous for the cases of people who became millionaires after investing in this asset. What a lot of people don’t know is that there are a number of other cryptocurrencies available for investment.

In addition to Bitcoin, the main digital currencies on the market are: Ethereum, Tether, Ripple, Chainlink, Binance Coin, Litecoin, Cardano and Dogecoin.

They all operate like cryptocurrencies, that is, they are outside the traditional financial system. Their great attraction is the financial return, since they have high liquidity, but the cost of this is the high risk. Cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile assets and are not covered by governments or central banks.

Were you curious to learn more about the main cryptocurrencies on the market? In this text you will find information about each of them, tips for negotiating them and much more:

  • What are cryptocurrencies?
  • What is the use of cryptocurrencies?
  • What are the main cryptocurrencies on the market?
  • What are cryptocurrencies?

Before getting to know each of the digital currencies that we have listed above, it is necessary that you know what cryptocurrencies actually are .

Cryptocurrencies are digital money not associated with governments or monetary authorities. Therefore, transactions with them are made exclusively over the internet .

It is stored in a crypto wallet app and can be managed on a personal computer or even a mobile device.

These currencies are represented by encrypted lines of code — that’s where the “crypto” prefix comes from —, accessed only through individual keys.

Most cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology , which allows transactions to be validated through a decentralized computer network. This guarantees them security and privacy .

As cryptocurrencies are not registered by banks or governments, it is much more difficult for them to be counterfeited.

However, this type of asset is completely unstable and its value is determined by the law of supply and demand. It is not uncommon for the price of a cryptocurrency to vary by more than 100% in a single day.

To carry out operations in cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to access a crypto exchange , a kind of brokerage where it is possible to buy, sell or invest in this type of currency.

What is the use of cryptocurrencies?

Despite being digital, cryptocurrencies have the same utility as cash. They are used to buy and sell goods and services. By the way, some companies already accept payment for their products in cryptocurrencies.

As they are not under the purview of financial institutions, cryptocurrencies are free of fees charged by financial and banking institutions. This facilitates the movement of large amounts and allows cryptocurrency owners more freedom to handle their own money.

What are the main cryptocurrencies on the market?

Now that you know what cryptocurrencies are, how to use them and what their use is, it’s time to get to know the main ones on the market. Before investing in this type of asset, it is important to know how they operate and what characteristics differentiate each one.


Bitcoin is the most traded cryptocurrency in the world. Altogether, their market capitalization is worth more than $1 trillion.

Created in 2008, it emerged with the aim of replacing cash and ending the influence of banks in the intermediation of financial operations. With that, the value started to be determined by online users.

The interest generated around Bitcoin is due to the number of times the coin reached extremely high values. Therefore, it is usually traded in very small fractions.

It is worth remembering that, in the same way that Bitcoin has a high value, the currency is extremely volatile, that is, the variation between different quotations can be large and can generate losses.


Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency in global use. Created in 2015, it has a market cap that represents a quarter of Bitcoin’s capitalization – around $250.5 billion.

The difference between the two is that Ethereum was created to function as a traditional financial market asset .

Through the official Ether platform, investors can trade Ethereum smart contracts. These are self-executing through digital protocols and irreversible. In this way, the user has access to loans and insurance with the guarantee of blockchain security , which prevents fraud.


Tether was created in 2014 with the purpose of being a stable value cryptocurrency. Therefore, it is linked to a physical currency, which in this case is the US dollar.

Tether’s market capitalization is the sixth largest in the world at around $48 billion. In early 2021, the coin even ranked third in the ranking of the top 10 cryptocurrencies in the world.


Ripple is a cryptocurrency used by the payment platform of the same name.

This system allows the transfer of money in any format, whether in cryptocurrencies or in national currencies.

Through decentralized mediators, Ripple acts as a bank that converts values ​​into different currencies.

Thus, it does not usually work as a bargaining chip, but rather as a reference for transactions within its own platform.


Created in 2017, Chainlink is a blockchain platform designed to simplify the use of smart contracts. It is made up of a protocol that facilitates access to the best of these contracts for applications.

It works with a daisy chain infrastructure. At a certain point, he leaves this system to collect real-world data that will be used in contracts.

Thus, Chainlink prevents problems in data transmission between different systems. It also manages to avoid the manipulation of information that enters and leaves the databases.

Binance Coin

Binance Coin is also one of the most popular cryptocurrencies. It is the currency used on the Binance Exchange, the cryptocurrency exchange.

When it first appeared, it operated on the same code as Ethereum, but it was decoupled to serve as a fee payment method on the Binance Exchange. It is used to trade over 150 other cryptocurrencies.


Litecoin is considered a kind of derivative of Bitcoin. Created in 2011, it transmits and validates transactions through a decentralized network.

What sets it apart from Bitcoin is the speed with which transactions are made. Another differential is its popularity; this is a cryptocurrency that is well known by users.


Cardano is a recent cryptocurrency that is still trying to conquer space in the market . Created in 2017, it is the result of a project to become the main currency of the global financial system.

Its main difference is transaction security. Cardano’s blockchain system is considered to be more solid than that of Ethereum and Bitcoin.


Dogecoin was created in 2013 as a kind of Bitcoin satire. Its symbol is a viral photo of a dog of the Shiba Inu breed – that’s why the name refers to “dog”, dog in English. The joke got serious when the cryptocurrency went viral and attracted the interest of users.

Despite the currency’s growth in recent years, driven by celebrities and businessmen, its value is still low.

However, it reached a high of 100% in a single day after Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, published a tweet making fun of the appreciation of the cryptocurrency.


The cryptocurrency market is still somewhat unexplored by investors. A lot of people don’t understand what it is or even know it exists. The solution to this is to seek knowledge to invest correctly in a market that can yield high liquidity.

First of all, you need to know that cryptocurrencies are not from another world; in fact, they operate like cash. What differentiates them is the fact that they are not associated with a traditional financial system and this brings risks and guarantees. Keep this in mind when you venture into the world of digital currencies.

Now that you know what the main cryptocurrencies are, learn how to invest in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies in this text that we produced on the subject.

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Is safe investment in cryptocurrency possible? https://blog.b4uwallet.com/is-safe-investment-in-cryptocurrency-possible/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/is-safe-investment-in-cryptocurrency-possible/#comments Sun, 11 Dec 2022 07:27:00 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=33 The appreciation of cryptocurrencies in 2020 made investors interested in assets. Bitcoin , the best known digital currency, guaranteed accumulated gains in 12 months above 340%, which encouraged a lot of people and made companies listed on the stock exchange start buying it. The largest Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange, Mercado Bitcoin, reported an almost ninefold increase […]

The post Is safe investment in cryptocurrency possible? appeared first on b4u Wallet.

The appreciation of cryptocurrencies in 2020 made investors interested in assets. Bitcoin , the best known digital currency, guaranteed accumulated gains in 12 months above 340%, which encouraged a lot of people and made companies listed on the stock exchange start buying it.

The largest Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange, Mercado Bitcoin, reported an almost ninefold increase in its financial volume in the first quarter of 2021 alone. However, many people are still afraid to bet on operations with digital assets.

Thinking about it, we prepared this article for those who are looking to know if it is possible to make a safe investment in cryptocurrency. Check out the topics we will cover:

  • What are cryptocurrencies
  • What are the main cryptocurrencies in the market
  • How to avoid the risks of investing in digital currencies
  • What are the main ways to invest in crypto assets
  • How to make a safe investment in cryptocurrency

What are cryptocurrencies

For those who don’t know yet, cryptocurrencies are digital and encrypted currencies, non-divisible, unique and transferable. Through them, it is possible to make financial transactions over the internet without the need for physical money. They are considered by the IRS as an asset.

Transactions made through cryptocurrencies are encrypted and have an electronic signature, identifying the amount, sender and recipient anonymously. Thus, its biggest differential is to protect the data of its users.

In addition, those who use crypto assets do not use their personal data, such as name, email and password, in a transaction. Identification is done through an address made up of random letters and numbers that are usually accompanied by a scannable QR code. Thus, before making the transfer, the investor must have funds in his portfolio.

All transactions made with cryptocurrencies are recorded in a digital system called blockchain, which does not allow the alteration or deletion of stored data. This is what ensures the security and transparency of operations.

The main cryptocurrencies on the market

Discover the cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization:

Bitcoin (BTC)

With a high market cap, which is currently around $39,000, bitcoin is a pre-programmed asset. This means that its characteristics cannot be modified and that there is a limit to its issuance: up to 21 million coins.

So far, 18.6 million BTC have been issued. What a lot of people don’t know is that they can be bought in fractions.

Ethereum (ETH)

The second largest asset in the cryptocurrency market, ETH is an Ethereum network token that is used to pay processing fees for that system. Due to the great usability in its own network, some say that ETH cannot be used as money.

Binance Coin (BNB)

In 2021, BNB became the third largest asset by market capitalization. It is a Binance ecosystem token, with access to numerous features of the eponymous exchange.

Tether (USDT)

Paired with the value of the US dollar, Tether is a stable value crypto asset (stablecoin). It is issued by the Tether company, which has often failed to prove its dollar reserves. Therefore, USDT generates some distrust from investors.


Native to the XRP Ledger, XRP is a crypto asset known in the market as ripple. This is because the digital currency is the creation of the company Ripple Labs, which is currently facing lawsuits alleging irregularities in the sale of the token.

In addition to the assets mentioned above, we also list other important digital currencies such as:

  • Cardano (ADA);
  • Dogecoin (DOGE);
  • Polkadot (DOT);
  • Uniswap (UNI);
  • Litecoin (LTC).

How to avoid the risks of investing in digital currencies?

While cryptocurrencies may seem like an easy-to-profit investment opportunity, experts warn that caution is warranted. It is recommended not to allocate more than 5% of the portfolio to assets.

As cryptoassets are volatile, it is worth investing in a varied portfolio, as this reduces the risks of a big fall. However, the golden rule is: research a lot and know the market and the asset. This includes researching the reputation of companies and learning how to store coins to avoid hacker attacks.

Anyone who intends to trade in the P2P modality, between individuals, must be very careful not to become the target of scammers who use fake profiles. Thus, it is important to look for renowned vendors with references.

What are the main ways to invest in crypto assets?

There are five safe ways to invest in crypto assets. Discover the following options:


The exchange is a good option for those looking for variety and practicality: there are several options for cryptoassets and the user only needs a cell phone and his ID to start acquiring bitcoins through applications. However, to transfer them it is necessary to pay a fee.

Trust fund

One of the least risky ways to invest is through cryptocurrency funds . This is because, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission (CMV) rule, ordinary investors can only access funds that allocate up to 20% in crypto assets. However, the possibilities of earnings are also smaller.

Index fund (ETF) on the stock exchange

In 2021, the Brazilian stock exchange listed the first crypto asset ETF in Latin America, the HASH11. With approximately 60,000 shareholders, it is already one of B3’s largest variable income ETFs.

The asset has the same advantages as an investment fund, such as safe custody, and has low-value quotas, such as R$50. However, it is not yet available to anyone.

Peer-to-peer (P2P)

As we mentioned in the previous topic, P2P is a negotiation made directly between two individuals, without the mediation of companies. The big advantage is that there is no purchase order, speeding up the receipt of cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized exchanges (DEX)

DEX are autonomous systems, which offer a large offer of crypto assets for investment and use contracts to intermediate negotiations. However, this modality is quite vulnerable and the DEXs can be easily hacked, or even set up in a coup.

How to make a safe investment in cryptocurrency

Below we have prepared some tips for you to make a safe investment in cryptocurrency:

If you are not going to trade your asset, it is recommended not to leave it at the brokerage house. That’s because they are often targeted by hackers and you can lose your funds. The safest thing is to distribute your coins on different platforms and devices or in your own crypto wallet app.

As we are talking about a long-term investment, the best investor can do to protect their cryptocurrencies is to create a security account with a hardware-wallet, a device similar to a pendrive. Only use the broker when trading.

When using a brokerage, the ideal is to place the money in known exchanges, with a large number of customers and more time in the market. In Brazil, the best options are:

  • Ripio;
  • Bitcoin market;
  • Foxbit;
  • BitPrice;
  • BitcoinTrade.

It is worth mentioning that the investor must not share his private keys and passwords with anyone, at risk of losing his funds permanently.


Although they still generate distrust, cryptoassets are increasingly showing that they can be interesting investment options, especially for those looking for more autonomy and looking for lower rates.

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Benefits of Exchange Your Digital Currencies with B4U Wallet Exchange https://blog.b4uwallet.com/benefits-of-exchange-your-digital-currencies-with-b4u-wallet-exchange/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/benefits-of-exchange-your-digital-currencies-with-b4u-wallet-exchange/#comments Thu, 13 Oct 2022 14:34:02 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=53 B4U Wallet & Exchange is dealing with the upcoming features that will work for your swapping. B4U Wallet is dealing with the latest standard of incorporate sectors. Our every determination is linked to providing you the best rate ever!! No fee. Here thousands of profitable sensations are waiting for you. B4U Wallet & Exchange is […]

The post Benefits of Exchange Your Digital Currencies with B4U Wallet Exchange appeared first on b4u Wallet.

B4U Wallet & Exchange is dealing with the upcoming features that will work for your swapping. B4U Wallet is dealing with the latest standard of incorporate sectors. Our every determination is linked to providing you the best rate ever!! No fee. Here thousands of profitable sensations are waiting for you.

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How to Secure your Cryptocurrencies on B4U https://blog.b4uwallet.com/little-known-tips-to-secure-your-cryptocurrency-exchange-wallet/ https://blog.b4uwallet.com/little-known-tips-to-secure-your-cryptocurrency-exchange-wallet/#comments Wed, 22 Jun 2022 11:11:00 +0000 https://blog.b4uwallet.com/?p=21 The craze of dealing in cryptocurrencies is leading to its pitch right now. If we gather upon the research that is made from the sensational sectors of working so it is concluded that there are more than 2 million clients those are dealing with blockchain. It not enough thousands of them are performing selling and […]

The post How to Secure your Cryptocurrencies on B4U appeared first on b4u Wallet.

The craze of dealing in cryptocurrencies is leading to its pitch right now. If we gather upon the research that is made from the sensational sectors of working so it is concluded that there are more than 2 million clients those are dealing with blockchain. It not enough thousands of them are performing selling and buying transactions daily.

It is versatile truth the dealing in cryptocurrency may lead to a profitable state. So, millions of people are enriched with blockchain.

Despite all these profitable statements, the thing that worthy matters are is your money secure? is it safe?

This kind of pop-ups really occurs even at once in our mind. So, there is a very secure arrangement by B4U wallet and exchange. Today we will tell you how you can secure your cryptocurrencies with us.

Protecting your software

It’s our foremost duty to secure your amount so the first attempt that’s made by our team (Cryptocurrency wallet) is we going to secure all your leading software’s. We will protect that software of your wallet. It is same as to have a backup of your application on a personal computer. It proves itself very helpful in the case of hacking.

After this protection your every click will be protected approximately!! You don’t need to worry whether you are clicking or viewing the attachments.

Mobile application safety

If you have downloaded the wallet application. So, it first secured by your lock. (nobody can even view it without your pin-code). Somehow, if anyone knows your pin. You don’t need to worry even then!! You will be provided (2 Factor authentication).

No transfer-able sector needed!!

While using the wallet application you can transfer all your funds without and helping account like PayPal etc. Each transaction will be performed protectively, and you don’t need to risk yourself. We are working as a responsible team for our clients.

Backups in hardware

It’s quite often to make a backup for your general information. It’s quite good !! but what if you lost your pc? or your data is removed by the software. Here comes the most troubling situation. Moreover, if it’s a desire for somebody to hack your account. So, he or she will definitely remove all your backup. Stay calm !! you don’t need to worry about it. We will back up your data in the hardware sector of our record. Doesn’t matter if the pc is broken up or restored you I’ll definitely get your data back in a very promising way.

Access keys

You will get access keys with the interacting of B4U wallet. We will provide you access to

Your phone number, Email, Fax or Security question.

This access will lead you to have your hands on your account whether it’s lost. It good news!!


Within our services, you will be provided with an encrypting sector. Even though your phone is lost. Your whole devices will be given authority to change your password as well as to take out your money secure. One thing you should keep in mind is you one is in safe hand and you will not lose them. You will be given each solution but the thing that matter is you should be the rightful owner of the amount.


When you will create a successful account on B4U wallet and exchange. After the perfect evaluation of your account you will be provided with a key logger. A hacker can have access to your password but not towards your key log so its 100% safer optimizer to make your cryptocurrency save.

Two step verifications

Despite all these services, a service of two-step verification will be provided you will set up your account, open it, and set a two-step verification code without knowing this code nobody can even perform a single transaction from your account. It makes your wallet much safe!!

Cold wallet service.

You can easily, safe all your data with cold wallet it is an offline sector that helps you to keep bitcoin offline in a drive. It is used for the every-day transaction. With this service, no one else can get towards your funds. This wallet is also used for viewing your account details and savings.

These all kinds of services are provided just to satisfy you guys. So, trust and we will surely secure your each and every transaction.

The post How to Secure your Cryptocurrencies on B4U appeared first on b4u Wallet.

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